Torgin's Guide

To the Biting Skill

Skill Name: Biting

Entry Last Update: 04/25/2001

Description: Biting is the ability to use one's teeth/mandibles/fangs as a weapon.

Who Can Learn It: Only races with the proper teeth/mandibles/fangs can learn Biting. This includes Arachnians, Monitanians, and later-stage Dragons.

What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to bite your opponent with more accuracy, as well as do more damage.

What it Does: Allows you to bite your opponent with more accuracy, as well as do more damage. As a "natural weapon" skill, each level of Biting provides increases in OR and DR when unarmed. Damage will also go up as level increases. Additional Fatigue points are also gained after reaching certain levels.

Activation: Automatic, BITE (BITE [Target]).

Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. Bite does not do a great deal of damage at low levels, is fatiguing, and takes a long time to advance.

Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. Bite damage is decent.

Usefulness (High Levels): High. Bite damage is very high, even more so than most weapons.

How to Practice: Biting is best practiced in the same manner as other "natural attack/weapon" skills - find an opponent you can hit that will give you skill uses and BITE them.

Tips: Like many of the other "natural" skills, Biting takes a long time to progress due to the additional skill uses required to level. Be prepared for this if you intend to pursue this skill as your primary means of attack.

Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Later-stage Dragons may have the most damaging bite, followed by Monitanians and then Arachnians.

Note: Like other Natural Attack/Natural Weapon skills, the OR/DR bonus you have is applied even during spell casting. Biting grants additional fatigue points as you advance in level.

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